The Moveable Feast offers monthly luncheons featuring presenters on a broad range of cultural topics (music, art, drama, history, and some literature, mostly by local and CLASS-published authors). Each is individually priced. Email [email protected] or call 843-235-9600 for more information. Click here to register online!


Author: Quitman Marshall
Date/Time: Tuesday 07/23/2024 at 11:00 AM
Book: Swampitude: Escapes with the Congaree
Synopsis: A song of praise for swamps and twice a finalist for the River Teeth Literary Nonfiction Book Prize, "Swampitude" is a meditation on the nature of this terrain, its meaning, its mystery, its fearfulness, its shelter, and its healing power. The book celebrates the survival, the stories, and the continuance of swamps in general, and a particular swamp, the Congaree in the center of South Carolina, which has been designated a United Nations Biosphere Reserve and is now Congaree National Park. Marshall tells stories that intersect with swamp-linked lives, making literature of the place, a place in the middle into which things flow and come out changed. Born in South Carolina, Quitman Marshall grew up in the swamp. He has published five books of poetry, including "You Were Born One Time" (2014), which won the SC Poetry Archives Book Prize. A winner of the Writers Exchange Award sponsored by Poets and Writers, Inc., and the founding coordinator of the Literary Series at the Spoleto Festival, USA, he lives in Beaufort, SC, with his family where he works as a writer, editor, translator, and teacher. Photography for the book is the work of Peggy Peattie, a multiple award-winning photo-journalist for The State.
Restaurant: Caffe Piccolo
Directions: 9428 Ocean Hwy, Pawleys Island, SC 2958
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